Communication Services
Contact us for customized workshops to meet the needs of your entity, whether private company, government agency, bank, or corporation. We can create multiple day, full-day, or half-day seminars to best cater to the needs of your organization.
Contact us to discuss options and needs. On-site training (once social distancing restrictions are lifted) or webinar format training are both available.
Here is a sample list of workshops available:

Communication Fundamentals
Emergency Grammar Review - Common Trouble Spots
Don't Hit SEND...Yet!--Effective Email Writing
Word Processing Basics and Intermediate Tips
Plain Language I: Clairity and Concision
Plain Language II: Coherence and Organization
Plain Language III: Choosing Your Words

Communicate to Build Your Career
Resume Review and Update (Federal or Private Sector)
Executive Core Qualifications: Introduction and Getting Started
Executive Core Qualifications: Drafting in Essay and Resume Format
Public Speaking | Public Freaking? Principles of a Good Brief
Effective Presentation Visuals
Performance Appraisal Writing
Performance Debriefing with Grace
Performance Plan Writing

Executive Support and Technical Writing
Translating Your Work for non-Specialists
Definitions. Descriptions. Processes.
Writing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Writing to Show Impact
Notetaking, Talking Points, and Writing for Your Boss
Executive Summaries
White Papers
Academic Writing versus Workplace Writing

Custom Training Sessions
Contact us for custom training for your corporate or government agency-specific needs. In-person and online workshops can be combined to offer half-day and full-day training sessions.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Englewood Lab
Med Flight of Ohio
Institute of International Finance
National Governors Association
National Institutes of Health
Naval Institute Press
US Department of Homeland Security
US Department of Justice
US Department of Labor
United States Naval Academy
University of Maryland, College Park